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The Grievance Committee is responsible for enforcing the terms of the contract through the contractually-defined grievance process, as necessary.  The committee also identifies concerns related to the contract through our interactions with faculty and our observations of their working conditions.

If you think that your rights as they are defined in the contract (or otherwise) are being violated, we strongly encourage you to consider filing a complaint. There are several pathways for you to pursue depending on the specifics of your case:

Violations of the Collective Bargaining Agreement

If you believe your rights as outlined in the Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) have been violated, please complete this form, and someone from the Grievance Committee will be in touch promptly to assist you in the grievance process. The form asks you to briefly describe the event or action, to provide a date for the event or action, and to explain which article in the CBA has been violated.

Violations of Academic Freedom or Evaluation/Review Procedures

Any violation of Section B of the faculty handbook should be submitted to the Academic Freedom and Tenure Committee. That includes academic freedom violations and procedural violations in regards to a faculty review. You can find information about the committee here, or information about filing a complaint here

Violations of the Respectful Campus Policy

If you believe you are being exposed to workplace bullying that is not related to a protected social class (e.g., gender, race, health, age), you should consider filing a C09 complaint. Note that this complaint process is designed and overseen by UNM administration. 

To file a CO9 complaint, write a detailed description of what happened, how it violated the CO9 policy, and the effect of that violation. This report should be filed with the supervisor of the person who violated the policy. For example, if one of your departmental colleagues violated the policy, you would file your complaint with the chair of the department; if your chair violated the policy, you would file your complaint with the dean. 

Violations of Civil Rights

If you believe your civil rights have been violated, please review your options with CEEO, which is not a faculty-run organization, or with the Division for Equity and Inclusion.

CEEO lists the protected statuses and explains options for filing complaints in detail on their webpage.

Other Questions or Concerns

Please reach out with any questions or concerns using the contact form.

Become a Part of the Grievance Committee

If you would like to join us, please contact us! We are particularly interested in additional members  who are part time faculty or faculty from campuses other than Albuquerque.

We are your faculty colleagues. We represent nearly 1600 full- and part-time faculty at the University of New Mexico across five campuses: Albuquerque, Gallup, Los Alamos, Taos, and Valencia.

United Academics of the University of New Mexico (UA-UNM) #6662 
530 Jefferson St NE Albuquerque New Mexico 87108


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